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Are you looking for award-winning work?


One thing you should know: If the creative awards covering your agency’s conference room wall are an important metric for you, you’re not going to like what you see. In fact, you won’t find any awards on our walls, because in nearly 20 years of practice, we’ve never entered a contest. During that time, though, we’ve helped build more than a few legitimate industry leaders. And we’ve earned client relationships that span the history of this company.

Honestly, it’s not that our work isn’t strong enough to win awards; it certainly is. It’s that we feel that the best way to keep our eye on the ball is to, well, keep our eye on the ball. That way, our work earns its awards in the value that our clients place on it and the enduring relationships that we enjoy. And that’s the way it should be. Just ask our clients. We’ll happily provide you with a list of references.



Main Office:
tomsheehan healthcare
645 Penn Street
Reading, PA 19601

Telephone: 610-478-8448